When the power mysteriously goes out across the country, Martin‘s Plan B is to walk the 50 miles from Boston to his home in New Hampshire. His plan B must be revised to include Susan: a woman he only knew as a teller in his bank. They make it to his home in New Hampshire but they still have to adapt to a grid-down world. This podcast is a reading of Mic Roland‘s Siege of New Hampshire series. Available at http://mic-roland.com

Friday Oct 21, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 20 part 2: Backdoor
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
The conclusion of Chapter 20, the last chapter in Book 3: Hunger Season. Martin leaves the barn of the Town Farm after helping subdue their captors. His goal is to find Margaret, hopefully in the orchard's small store. While he's making his way through deep snow, a battle rages up the hill. Raiders from the criminals' camp in Nutfield have traveled north, attacking their way toward the center of town.
If you've enjoyed the story, consider buying Mic a cup of coffee at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland, and keep the story coming!

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Book 3: Postscript
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
A few author's thoughts about Book 3.
The Ending That Wasn't. (it turns out)
What do you do with the poor? After a collapse, there will be hundreds of thousands of the Suddenly Poor.
The Rule of Law vs mob rule. What do people do when the usual legal processes are no longer available?

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Siege of NH: Extra: Horsepower
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Bonus Episode -- Horsepower
After a collapse, the use of horses for transportation and work could see a revival. What would it be like to farm with horses? Mic interviews Jonathan, a man who currently farms with horses. We get a glimpse of what it's like, and what it could be like.
Photos of Jonathan farming with horses at Buy Me A Coffee / microland / gallery
Resources from Jonathan:
SmalllFarmers Journal -- www.smallfarmersjournal.com

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 1: Into the Void
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Book 4 starts with when, in Book 3, Martin and the others dropped Susan off near the Mass border. She is being escorted through the closed and guarded border by Charon, one of the Coalition's tactical operatives. While Susan is determined to help Operation Longbow succeed in getting food to New Hampshire, she battles doubts about herself and the wisdom of her choices.
Now that we're starting another book, consider buying Mic a cup of coffee at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland, and keep the story coming! Thanks!

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 2: Across the Border
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Susan and team evade drones as they cross the border into Massachusetts. They arrive at the (apparently) abandoned summer camp only to find that the community of 'rebels' live underground beneath the camp buildings. At her first exploration across the river, it appears the road she remembered no longer exists.

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 3: Dead End
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
A ragtag crew of volunteers work on the old bridge, in hopes that it will carry the big trucks of Operation Longbow. Susan, Hal, and Charon explore the forest across the river, looking for the logging road that Susan remembered from her childhood. All they found, however was a dead end at a swamp. Was the road gone now? Back at the lodge, Susan gets tapped to help Byron dress out a raccoon -- her first (reluctant) experience with skinning an animal.
Happy Thanksgiving, listeners!

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 4: Tough Task
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Susan assists Byron in the skinning and cleaning of a raccoon. It is more than she ever wanted to know. Afterward, she gets settled into her temporary lodgings -- the earthen basement of the camp's Girls' Cabin. Susan and her new room mate Justine get to know each other. At supper, Susan is gifted with the best cut of the raccoon meat -- at treat would prefer to avoid.
To support this podcast, check out Mic's Buy Me A Coffee page at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland Or become a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 5: Trail Blazing
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
After helping the volunteers get set up to work on the bridge, Hal, Charon, and Susan set out to look for the lost road again. Relying more on her memories than what can be seen, she identifies the spot where the true road forked off but had become overgrown. Susan and Charon follow the ghost of a road all the way to the dairy farm staging area. Their return to camp takes too long. The evening drone fights begin before they are back across the river.
Support this podcast with a cup of coffee! BuyMeACoffee.com/microland Or become a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Dec 16, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 6: Salvage Lookout
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Friday Dec 16, 2022
Susan awakens to the bustle of camp members getting ready to salvage three large gravel conveyors for trusses with which to repair the bridge. Embarrassed at not having a way to contribute, Susan talks her way into any sort of task in order to help out. At the distant gravel yard, she finagles a lookout post at what was supposed to be an empty sector. It wasn't empty.
Support this podcast. Check out Mic's Buy Me A Coffee page at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland Or become a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Book 4: Chapter 7: Captured
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Susan and Owen flee through the woods but cannot escape. The two soldiers capture them and take them to an abandoned house where they each plan to "interrogate" Susan. She is certain that it will be her last day alive but she is determined not to betray the camp or their work.
This becomes a pivotal moment in Susan's life that haunts her and alters her.