When the power mysteriously goes out across the country, Martin‘s Plan B is to walk the 50 miles from Boston to his home in New Hampshire. His plan B must be revised to include Susan: a woman he only knew as a teller in his bank. They make it to his home in New Hampshire but they still have to adapt to a grid-down world. This podcast is a reading of Mic Roland‘s Siege of New Hampshire series. Available at http://mic-roland.com

Friday Aug 12, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 12: Malcolm’s Road
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Friday Aug 12, 2022
Martin and Judy take Tin Man to Walter's house so he can have an extended radio session. They hear fragments of news about power plant repairs failing and a possible aid fleet to help New Hampshire. Malcolm, a new house guest of Walter's, relates how he escaped with a truckload of FEMA food, crashed through barricades and made it as far as Walter's house. Malcolm spoke of a relief mission called Operation Longbow. On the way home from Walter's, Martin discovers that the town's dairy barn is on fire.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 13: Looking for Signs
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
A distinctive boot print suggests a culprit that started the diary barn fire, but no one is found with such boots. Rations get slimmer still at the Simmons' home. A old hen becomes the household's Christmas dinner. Despite the austerity, decorating, singing, and giving simple homemade gifts lifts everyone's spirits and takes their mind off their sobering future prospects.
Consider supporting this podcast by buying Mic a cup of coffee at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Buy Me A Coffee Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Aug 26, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 14: Contact
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Tempers flare as neighbors begin to suspect neighbors for the barn burning and a rash of petty crimes. Walter makes radio contact with the Coalition. Malcolm's escape prompted increased security at bridges. Operation Longbow may be called off. Susan insists that there are fire trials and logging roads over the mountains. The agent says that person with knowledge of those fire trails must travel to the site to scout a route for the food trucks. It could be a one-way trip.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 15: Remnants
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
While on patrol, Martin and Margaret discover Mara (living the wild woman life in their backwoods) just as she is being abducted by strange (and large) man. Martin and Andy show the residents of the Town Farm how to make pine fries to supplement their dwindling food supplies. On the way home, they stumble across an apparent murder scene.
Author's Note: Podbean Ads have turned out to be a disappointing nothing-burger. As an alternative, please consider buying me a coffee to support this project, at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Buy Me A Coffee Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 16: A Suspect In The Hand...
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
The crowd at the Altman's house learn that their deaths were no accident. They were murdered. The mob haul in the neighbor, accusing him. Martin finds himself appointed as defense attorney again. Before the trial, Mara meets Martin on patrol. She wordlessly leads him to where the shopping cart bandits had created a nearly-invisible hideout. Martin suspects that one of the bandits was the actual murderer. He rushes to alert others to gather up enough men to arrest the gang before they can escape.

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 17: Tough Summons
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
A group of Cheshire men accompany the police chief, attempting to bring in the shopping cart gang from their hidden camp. One of the gang is suspected of the Altman murders. A shootout ensues. Martin coaxes one of the survivors into telling her tale as a refugee from grid-down Manchester, taken in (captive) by the gang. She becomes Martin's "start witness" in the trial of the accused neighbor.
Thank you for supporting this podcast by buying Mic a cup of coffee at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Buy Me A Coffee Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Sep 23, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 18-A Tempest Fugit, part 1
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Candice is confronted about her conspiring with FEMA honcho Quinn to foment trouble in town. (the dairy fire, the gang attack, the Altman murders,) She runs, chased by a very angry mob. Martin and others prevent the mob from killing her but what to do with her now? A plan is hatched to tell Quinn that they'll exchange Candice for the corn FEMA stole. The plan does not go as expected.
This is part one of Chapter 18, which was a bit long. Part two airs next week!

Friday Sep 30, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 18-B Tempest Fugit
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
With Candice now in custody, implicated in helping Quinn foment trouble in Cheshire, the problem becomes what to do with her. Martin decides to take Trevor to the Simmons' home, freeing up room in the Town Farm's ad hoc jail cell for Candice. While getting Trevor settled in, a powerful snow storm descends quickly, with bitter cold and white-out conditions.
If you're enjoying the story, please consider buying me a coffee to support this project, at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Buy Me A Coffee Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 19: Lost and Found
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Judy frets over the lack of contact with the Town Farm, where Dustin and Margaret were when a strong and sudden blizzard engulfs Cheshire. Martin helps search in near-zero visibility for his neighbor's son who started home from town but never made it.
Thugs and hunger were trouble enough. Now, they have to contend with the power of winter.
A blizzard tale is a great time for a nice hot cup of coffee! :-) Consider buying Mic a cup of coffee at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland. Or become a supporting member at BMAC or a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 20, part 1 Backdoor
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Martin gets work that a group of men have started to raid homes on the south side of town. They are moving north, toward the center of town. They will pass Town Farm, where Margaret and Dustin were holed up during the blizzard. Martin missed riding with the other defenders, so had to trek to Town Farm by snowshoes. Trevor comes along. Passing the dairy, Adam is one of the attackers. He recognizes Martin and raises his rifle to settle an old score.
To support this podcast, check out Mic's Buy Me A Coffee page at BuyMeACoffee.com/microland Or become a patron at Patreon.com/mic_roland.