When the power mysteriously goes out across the country, Martin‘s Plan B is to walk the 50 miles from Boston to his home in New Hampshire. His plan B must be revised to include Susan: a woman he only knew as a teller in his bank. They make it to his home in New Hampshire but they still have to adapt to a grid-down world. This podcast is a reading of Mic Roland‘s Siege of New Hampshire series. Available at http://mic-roland.com

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 12, part 2: Difficult Meeting
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
The second half of Chapter 12: During the town meeting, an opportunity arises for the town to adopt some milk cows in Canterbury. Several folks raise objections for why the town can't take in the cows. Martin deflects each complaint with a solution. Jeff Landers and Martin have also been requested to speak with the governor in Concord about some weighty matters. Martin helps the Perez family get to the newly-commissioned town farm.

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 13: To Concord
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
The convoy of trucks and trailers depart Cheshire, bound for Canterbury to fetch some cows. En route, they stop in the state's capital, Concord, for an interview by the governor. Following that, is a rancorous meeting in Representatives Hall as the FEMA Assistant Director and the Governor both make their cases before the legislature for whether New Hampshire should accept federal aid (and the many strings attached) or not.

Friday Apr 08, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 14: Canterbury Tails
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
The convoy arrives in Canterbury to pick up the cows. While at the dairy farm, Martin becomes upset over Eric Emulari's untoward attentions to Susan and Margaret's trading away her pistol for a few bottles of rennet. All of that turmoil takes a backseat to the trouble the convoy encounters on the trip home. Someone lay in waiting for them to drive through.

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 15: Cauloff’s Farm
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
The caravan of trucks and trailers arrive at Cauloff's farm. All in all, the group survived the gang ambush with relatively minor damage. Martin remains upset over many things, the most obvious being Eric acting as the playboy with Susan. At the Simmons house, an already tightly-wound Martin snaps at hints of impropriety by Adam Dunan. Martin's outburst of rage has the whole house on edge.

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 16: Recalculating
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Margaret confronts Martin over his volatile behavior since returning from Canterbury. He has no clear idea just what's upset him. With the Perez family joining the Simmons, the food supplies need to be recalculated. Homemade hominy is a promising solution. Work begins on the Hendrick brothers' gasifier truck. The men in the Stockman Hill area begin to form a neighborhood defense group, though the first meeting isn't encouraging. Later, Susan confronts Martin too, about his odd behavior. He's forced to confront thoughts he has been avoiding.

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 17: A Call to Arms
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Amid a background of daily life and still trying to get the bigger gasifier working correctly, a call comes in. Trouble, in the form of several carloads of gang members are headed for Cheshire. Martin and the Stockman Hill Company drop everything and rush into town. When they arrive, the assault is already in progress. Several houses have been ransacked by hungry gang members. The Stockman Hill men take up position on the hoodlums' likely return path.

Friday May 06, 2022
Book 2: Chapter 18: Return Home
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
The people of Cheshire take stock after the first big test of their mutual defense groups. They repelled the attack, stopping all of the robbers, though not without some casualties. Following the grim task of cleaning up after the fight, Martin returns home. His blood-soaked clothing dampens what might have been a triumphal greeting.
This is the last chapter in Siege Fall: Book 2 of the series.

Friday May 13, 2022
Book 2: Epilogue & 2 Questions
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
A brief review of Book 2 and The Power of Community. Also, announcing a short survey about Book 3. That survey is at:
https://freeonlinesurveys.com/s/6IDbzuU3 and is open until 5/24/22.
Lastly, a bonus question. :-)

Friday May 20, 2022
A Little Morning Tour
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
While giving the survey a little more time for results, Mic takes you along on a little morning audio tour of his New Hampshire homestead.
Photos to go with the tour are HERE
Results from the survey soon.

Friday May 27, 2022
Book 3: Chapter 1: Drafted
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
The story continues. Margaret gets talked into helping with the Town Farm. Martin discovers a food source that might help the less-prepared residents of Cheshire get through the winter.
Here is the link for those asked who asked how they could 'buy me a coffee': https://www.buymeacoffee.com/microland